Sensor  Piezo-electrio acceleration type
 5 mV/G (our normal specification)
 Please inquire us at order if sensor sensitivity is different from our
 normal specification.
 Measuring Mode  Only two modes selects available within 6 modes (Acceleration
 overall, Acceleration BPF, Acceleration peak, Velocity overall,
 Velocity peak, Displacement overall) by setting the rear switch.
 Measuring range  There are three measuring ranges in X and Y mode respectively.



 Acceleration overall  0.5 , 5 , 50 G  0.5 , 1.5 , 5 G
 Acceleration BPF  0.5 , 5 , 50 G  0.5 , 1.5 , 5 G
 Acceleration peak  0.5 , 5 , 50 G  0.5 , 1.5 , 5 G
 Velocity overall  0.5 , 5 , 50 cm/sec  0.5 , 1.5 , 5 cm/sec
 Velocity peak  0.5 , 5 , 50 cm/sec  0.5 , 1.5 , 5 cm/sec
 Displacement overall  50, 500, 5000 §­  50 , 150 , 500 §­
 (Ranges are link-switched.)
 frequency range
 Acceleration overall  5 Hz ~ 40 kHz
 Acceleration BPF  1 kHz ~ 40 kHz
 Acceleration peak  1 kHz ~ 40 kHz
 Velocity overall  5 Hz ~ 1 kHz
 Velocity peak  5 Hz ~ 1 kHz
 Displacement overall  5 Hz ~ 250 kHz
 Alarm output  One upper limit level for each OUT1 and OUT2.
 Relay contact 1a
 Contact capacity 20 VA  AC110 V max
 Output of analog
 DC  0 ~ 5 V  allowable input impedance  100 k§Ù min
 1 ~ 5 V  allowable input impedance  250 k§Ù min
 4 ~ 20 mA  allowable input impedance  500 §Ù max
 One output is available from the three 0 ~ 5 V. 1 ~5 V and 4 ~ 20 mA
 output types.
 AC  ¡¾ 5 V  allowable input impedance  100 k§Ù min
 0 ~ 55¡É
 Power supply  AC 100 V ¡¾ 10%  50/60 Hz ,  10 VA max
 53(W) x 190(H) x 130(D)
 (No fitting and protrusions included for external dimensions.) 
 Color  Munsel N1.5 (black)
 Weight  1.3 kg