M.Tezanos Perez actually stands for Miguel Angel, Mariano Tezanos, and Gregorio Perez. The former supplies the latter two luthiers with the finest wood available in the world. Both Tezanos and Perez worked more than 20 years for Jose Ramirez III and IV. Tezanos is well known for the work of his late father who made some of the finest guitars produced by the Ramirez workshop in the 60s, 70s and 80s. What is less well know is that Mariano Jr.also stamped his initials (M.T.) in the foot of many Ramirez guitars from this period. Mariano grew up across the street from the great luthier Marcelo Barbero who apparently taught his father (and later Arcangel Fernandez) guitar building. Gregorio Perez stands in his own right as one of the great Ramirez builders of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Today, they make up the greatest guitar-making duo in Spain since Aguado y Hernandez.

Mariano Tezanos
  Born in 1949 in Madrid, in the house
    Manuel Ramirez used to live in, which
    was directly across the street from
    Marcelo Barbero's house. His father
    (Tezanos), originally a printer, worked
    at that during the day, while in the
    evenings, Barbero would show him
    guitar building.
  In 1963, when he was 14 years old, he
    started working with Ramirez. Paulino
    Bernabe was the foreman of the shop at the time. He helped around the shop
    cleaning, etc., and his father would help him hone his skills in the evening.
  Built guitars with Ramirez for 20 years, until the end of 1982.
  From 1983 until 1990, built guitars for Arturo Sanzano, who left Ramirez at the
    same time, under the name of Moreno y Castro.
  Began working with Gregorio Perez in 1993.

 Gregorio Perez
  born 1952 in Verlanga de Duero(Madrid).
  In 1966, at the age of 14, he started with
    Ramirez where he answered a help-
    wanted notice. He started work cleaning
    the shop and delivering guitars. Among
    others, he delivered guitars to Sabicas
    and Segovia.
  In 1969, when he was 17 years old,
    began doing necks and rosettes(witch
    was considered the lowly work in the
    workshop). It was hard, hard work. From there, he continued to build guitars with
    Ramirez for 26 years.
  Began building guitars with Tezanos in 1992.